tunozemichanの日記 / tunozemichan's diary

SORD社のコンピューターM68やM68MXの解析についての備忘録です。This blog is a memorandum about the analysis of SORD's computers M68 and M68MX.

How to access the disk image of CP/M-68K for SORD M68 using cpmtools (OBSOLETE)

I received a disk image of CP/M-68K (here called cpm68k_image.hfe) from a kind person on Facebook, and I would like to access this disk using cpmtools.


The disk image I received was in hfe format for the HxCFDD emulator.


As it is, the disk image in hfe format is basically useless except for booting with SORD M68 with FDD emulator. So, first, run the HxC utility HxCFloppyEmulator.exe to convert it to a raw sector image. This is easy to do, load cpm68k_image.hfe into the above utility, go to Floppy image->Export disk/Save As, and select "IMG file(RAW Sector file format)" as the file type on the save screen. )" as the file type on the save screen. Select "IMG file(RAW Sector file format )" as the file type on the save screen. This time, the file type is cpm68k_image.img.


Download cpmtools (http://www.moria.de/~michael/cpmtools/).

There is also a Windows version available. The Windows version is also available. All of the following tasks were done using the Windows version. Open diskdefs, the disk definition file, and add the following entry


diskdef m68disk
    seclen 512
    tracks 77
    sectrk 15
    blocksize 4096
    maxdir 256
    skew 6
    boottrk 2
    os 2.2


The space to the left of the seclen is a tab, otherwise, an error will occur.


The FDD installed in the SORD M68 is a Mitsubishi M4854 (no branch number). I used the parameters of this FDD as a reference to obtain the above specifications.


From the prompt, type the following to see the contents of the disk.

>cpmls -f m68disk cpm68k_image.img


Incidentally, the contents of cpm68k_image.img were surprisingly small, with only the following six files.




You should now be able to see the contents of the disk. Furthermore, to copy the files to your PC, type the following


>cpmco -f m68disk cpm68k_image.img 0:*.* .


By typing the above, all files on the disk will be copied to the current directory on the PC.

You can also copy them from your PC to the disk. You can also copy the files from your PC to the disk, see the cpmtools page for details.


Originally, the main feature of the CP/M-68K was that it came with a C compiler as standard, but SORD seems to be very stingy. Not even an assembler was included. I think the development environment was sold separately.


I think being able to access the contents of the disk is a big step forward not only in analysis but also in everyday use. You will also be able to get an image of CP/M-68K from the CP/M unofficial website and copy the C and other development environments to disk. However, I have not been able to confirm whether the copied files work or not, because my SORD M68 is not working properly. Since reloc.68k is on disk, it should be possible to convert it to absolute value format.


Getting the CP/M-68K cpm.sys for the SORD M68 only is a very big step forward for analysis. Now I think I can get the BIOS.


Analysis of the SORD M68 has gone one step further.