tunozemichanの日記 / tunozemichan's diary

SORD社のコンピューターM68やM68MXの解析についての備忘録です。This blog is a memorandum about the analysis of SORD's computers M68 and M68MX.


Analyzing the BIOS of SORD M68MX (Summary Part 1)

I do not have any software for SORD M68MX. The CP/M-68K for SORD M68 that I received through the Facebook community before did not work with M68MX because the hardware configuration is completely different. It's a shame that I can only see…

Successfully booted zBug monitor on SORD M68MX.

Since the analysis of BIOS of SORD M68MX was settled, I burned a handy monitor to ROM and ran it. zBug is a monitor program for the "68k Single Board Computer" developed by Wichit Sirichote. To this program, kanpapa added the ability to re…

SORD M68MX上でzBugモニタの起動に成功しました。

SORD M68MXのBIOSの解析が一段落したので、手ごろなモニタをROMに焼いて動かしました。 zBugとは、Wichit Sirichote氏が作成したワンボードコンピューター”68k Single Board Computer”の為のモニタプログラムです。 これに、kanpapa氏がS1タイプS-recordの読…